9 Hello Kitties Dancing

I'm early!  This is my Christmas challenge photo of the month for '9 Ladies Dancing'.  There really are 9 Hello Kitties lined up, not that you can really tell by looking at the photo.  I took this at the Indigo store while kiki was taking photos behind me.  I wonder what she was taking photos of.

The motto of this month's theme: - be unique - Miss Hello Square Kitty says.

Since it's still early, kiki hasn't posted hers yet. Can't wait to see what she comes up with!

(The makers of Hello Kitty really should make square-headed ones!)


  1. wow you were super early! just posted mine so technically i am a little early as well. ;)

    i didn't even see these hello kitties in indigo. the square head freaks me out a little though!

  2. I have my next month's ready too!! I like the square heads. I am thinking of posting a square head theme. Want to be my first square-headed model?? Haha.


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